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AMIS Lab attended ICSHMIM 2018 and delivered presentations

Professor Shen, Mr. Junzhen Wang, and Mr. Yiran Tian, presented recent AMIS research progress at the ICSHMIM 2018, October 21-23, 2018, Hangzhou, China. Professor Shen and Junzhen Wang received the best paper awards. The topics of the presentations are:

1) “Local interaction simulation approach for massively parallel computation of ultrasonic guided waves” (Shen, Y., 2018)

2) “Design and application of a bandgap meta-surface for fatigue damage detection with superharmonic nonlinear ultrasonic technique” (Tian, Y.; Shen, Y., 2018)

3) “Virtual time-reversal tomography for impact damage detection in self-sensing piezoelectric composite plates” (Wang, J.; Shen, Y., 2018)

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