Presenter:Yihao Song
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2023/5/17 16:00-17:00
Place:Room 214,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Recently, the list of recipients of the 76th China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Projects was announced. Only 82 projects in Mechanical Engineering were granted across the nation. Dr. Yiran Tian from the AMIS Lab received the funding, congratulations!
In July 2024, the Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE) Conference was held in Denver, CO, by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). AMIS PhD student, Shulong Zhou, participated in the poster competition and delivered an oral presentation on his recent research progress on impact monitoring. The corresponding study developed a novel piezoelectric fiber composite sensor for impact localization, leveraging frequency-wavenumber design and radial piezoelectric fiber arrangement to enhance the sensing accuracy. Finally, Shulong’s poster stood out in the fierce competition and won the First Place of the Best Student Paper Poster Award.
Professor Jinying Zhu, from the University of Nebraska Lincoin, visited JI and delivered a lecture of “Thermally Induced Acoustic Nonlinearity and Its Applications to NDE” on June 19th, 2024. The presentation introduces an innovative approach that utilizes temperature variations as a driving force to excite nonlinear behaviors in materials. Unlike traditional methods, this approach leverages thermal changes to induce and measure nonlinear acoustic responses, offering a novel way to evaluate materials. The SJTU scholars and AMIS researchers had a great opportunity to communicate with Professor Zhu.
The 3rd China Metamaterials Conference was held from May 9th to 12th, 2024, at the Wuzhen Internet International Convention and Exhibition Center in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province. The theme of this conference was "Intersecting Scientific Forces for Reconstructing Materials and Empowering Innovation." Dr. Yiran Tian, a postdoctoral fellow from the AMIS Lab at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Join Institute (JI), received the prestigious s accolade of "Outstanding Young Scholar" in the field of metamaterials research. Warmest congratulations to Dr. Tian!
Professor Tribikram Kundu, from the University of Arizona, visited JI and delivered a lecture of “Recent Developments In Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring Technology” on December 19th, 2023. The presentation covered the research carried out by the speaker over the last three decades on structural health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation techniques for engineering and biological materials and structures. In particular, it focused on acoustic source localization (ASL) and damage detection techniques using linear and nonlinear ultrasonic methods. The SJTU scholars and AMIS researchers had a great opportunity to communicate with Professor Kundu.
Shulong Zhou, a second-year doctoral student in the AMIS lab, delivered an oral presentation at the International Conference on Aerospace Structural Dynamics (ICASD) and presented his research work on piezoelectric composites. Through the collaborative design of piezoelectric composites at the micro and macro scales, this study proposed a novel sensor integration approach for structural health monitoring. This system combines the structural self-sensing ability with the load-bearing function. The organization committee selected the best oral presentations. The competition was based on the voting of the experts at the venue. Finally, Shulong's talk stood out and won the best oral presentation award. Runye Lu, a fourth-year doctoral student in the AMIS lab, presented a paper and a poster presentation at the QNDE 2023 conference, reporting his work on the monitoring of bolt loosening. In this study, the nonlinear impedance method was proposed to break through the limitations of traditional methods insensitive to incipient loosening. The nonlinear effect and the change of structural resonance information were used to monitor the bolt throughout the service span. The poster eventually won the best poster of the conference through fierce competition.
The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Join Institute (JI) Associate Professor Yanfeng Shen just won the "Highest Citation Paper Award" from ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems. Warm congratulations!
Professor Fuh-Gwo Yuan, from North Carolina State University, visited JI and delivered a speech of “We Are Small! But We Can Do Big Things!-An Engineer's Reflection” on May 5th, 2023. The presentation covered both frontier fundamental and applied research on structural health monitoring/management (SHM), non-destructive evaluation (NDE), machine learning, multi-functional materials, nano/meso scale sensors, advanced computing tools with smart sensors, damage prognosis, and energy harvesting. The SJTU scholars and AMIS researchers had a great opportunity to communicate with Professor Yuan.
The Active Materials and Intelligent Structures (AMIS) Lab focuses on developing advanced structural health monitoring (SHM), online nondestructive evaluation (NDE), and fault diagnostic technology of aerospace, mechanical, and civil structures. We conduct research on various cutting-edge technologies, covering piezoelectric wafer active sensors, scanning laser Doppler vibrometry, tunable metamaterials, and distributed sensing. The strength of AMIS Lab resides in the strong comprehension of vibration and wave mechanics, the analysis of complex structural systems via analytical and numerical modeling, as well as sensing data processing methods. We strive to provide the state-of-the-art solutions...
Learn MorePresenter:Yihao Song
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2023/5/17 16:00-17:00
Place:Room 214,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Presenter:Hexuan Xu
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2023/3/31 16:00-17:00
Place:Room 214,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Presenter:Haoyu Fu
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2023/3/17 16:00-17:00
Place:Room 214,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Presenter:Xuezhi Peng, CATL Group
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2021/4/16 15:00-16:00
Place:Room 212-10,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Presenter:Yiran Tian
Topic:Research Progress
Time: 2021/4/2 15:00-16:00
Place:Room 212-10,AMIS Lab,JI-Building
Number of visitors:120073